Midea Air Conditioner Error Codes

Midea Air Conditioner Error Codes This tutorial, we will listed down the full list of Midea AC error codes but before that, we would like to share some common issues of Midea AC. The following problems are not a malfunction and in most situations will not require repairs.

Midea Air Conditioner Error Code Solutions

The tables below contain lists of error codes for several models of the Midea Air Conditioners;

Midea Air Conditioner R Series Error Codes:

Error CodesMalfunction
E0EEPROM parameter error
E1Indoor /outdoor units communication protection
E2Zero-crossing signal error
E3Fan speed out of control
E5Open or short circuit of outdoor temperature sensor
E6Open or short circuit of room or evaporator temperature sensor
P0IGBT over-strong current protection
P1Over voltage or too under voltage protection
P2Temperature protection of compressor top.
P4Inverter compressor drive error
Midea Air Conditioner 9V Series Error Codes
Error CodesMalfunction
E0EEPROM error
E1Indoor / outdoor units communication protection
E2Zero-crossing signal error
E3Indoor fan speed out of control
E5Outdoor unit temp. sensor or connector of temp. sensor is defective
E6Open or short circuit of room or evaporator temperature
E7Outdoor fan speed out of control
P0IBM malfunction or IGBT over-strong current protection
P1Over voltage or too under voltage protection
P2Temperature protection of compressor top.
P4Compressor position protection
P5Inverter module protection

Midea Air Conditioner 9A Series Error Codes; 

Error Code: E0

Malfunction: EEPROM error

Error Code: E1

Malfunction: Indoor / outdoor units communication protection

Error Code: E2

Malfunction: Zero-crossing signal error

Error Code: E3

Malfunction: Indoor fan speed out of control

Error Code: E5

Malfunction: Outdoor unit temp. sensor or connector of temp. sensor is defective

Error Code: E6

Malfunction: Open or short circuit of room or evaporator temperature

Error Code: E7

Malfunction: Outdoor fan speed out of control

Error Code: P0

Malfunction: IBM malfunction or IGBT over-strong current protection

Error Code: P1

Malfunction: Over voltage or too under voltage protection

Error Code: P2

Malfunction: Temperature protection of compressor top.

Error Code: P4

Malfunction: Compressor position protection

Error Code: P5

Malfunction: Inverter module protection

Midea AC Outdoor Units Error Codes (Except M5OA-36HRDN1-Q Model);

Midea AC Outdoor Units Error Codes

Error Code: E0

Malfunction: EEPROM error

Error Code: E1

Malfunction: No A Indoor unit coil outlet temp. sensor or connector of sensor is defective

Error Code: E2

Malfunction: No B Indoor unit coil outlet temp. sensor or connector of sensor is defective

Error Code: E3

Malfunction: No C Indoor unit coil outlet temp. sensor or connector of sensor is defective

Error Code: E6

Malfunction: No D Indoor unit coil outlet temp. sensor or connector of sensor is defective

Error Code: E4

Malfunction: Outdoor unit temp. sensor or connector of temp. sensor is defective

Error Code: E5

Malfunction: Compressor voltage protection

Error Code: E7

Malfunction: Communication malfunction between outdoor main chip and compressor control chip

Error Code: P0

Malfunction: Temperature protection of compressor discharge or compressor top. For M4OC-36HRDN1-Q,it only means compressor discharge temp.protection.

Error Code: P1

Malfunction:  High pressure protection(only for M4OC1-27HRDN1-Q, M4OC-36HRDN1-Q)

Error Code: P2

Malfunction:  Low pressure protection(only for M4OC1-27HRDN1-Q, M4OC-36HRDN1-Q)

Error Code: P3

Malfunction:  Compressor current protection

Error Code: P4

Malfunction:  Inverter module protection

Error Code: P6

Malfunction: Condenser high-temperature protection

Midea AC Outdoor Units Error Codes (M5OA-36HRDN1-Q Model);

Error Code: E0

Malfunction: EEPROM error

Error Code: E1

Malfunction: No A Indoor unit coil outlet temp. sensor or connector of sensor is defective

Error Code: E2

Malfunction: Communication malfunction between outdoor unit and indoor units

Error Code: E3

Malfunction: Communication malfunction between outdoor main chip and compressor control chip

Error Code: E4

Malfunction: Outdoor unit temp. sensor or connector of temp. sensor is defective

Error Code: E5

Malfunction: Compressor voltage protection

Error Code: E6

Malfunction: PFC module protection

Error Code: P0

Malfunction: Compressor top. temperature protection

Error Code: P1

Malfunction: High pressure protection

Error Code: P2

Malfunction: Low pressure protection

Error Code: P3

Malfunction: Compressor current protection

Error Code: P4

Malfunction: Compressor discharge high-temperature protection

Error Code: P5

Malfunction: Condenser high-temperature protection

Error Code: P6

Malfunction: Inverter module protection

Error Code: F1

Malfunction: No A Indoor unit coil outlet temp. sensor or connector of sensor is defective

Error Code: F2

Malfunction: No B Indoor unit coil outlet temp. sensor or connector of sensor is defective

Error Code: F3

Malfunction: No C Indoor unit coil outlet temp. sensor or connector of sensor is defective

Error Code: F4

Malfunction: No D Indoor unit coil outlet temp. sensor or connector of sensor is defective

Error Code: F5

Malfunction: No E Indoor unit coil outlet temp. sensor or connector of sensor is defective

Midea Display Code Meanings

Midea Air Conditioner Error Codes (MSC-09HRDN1-QD0 Model);

Error Code: PO

Malfunction: IGBT over-strong current

Error Code: P1 (Led 6 Green: Bright – Led 5 Red: Bright)

Malfunction: Over voltage or too low voltage protection

Error Code: P1 (Led 6 Green: Bright – Led 5 Red: Blink)

Malfunction: MCE malfunction

Error Code: P4 (Led 6 Green: Extinguished – Led 5 Red: Blink)

Malfunction: MCE start malfunction

Error Code: P4 (Led 6 Green: Blink – Led 5 Red: Bright)

Malfunction: MCE phase lack protection, MCE zero speed protection, PWM in-phase malfunction

Error Code: PO (Led 6 Green: Blink – Led 5 Red: Extinguished)

Malfunction: IGBT over-strong current

Error Code: P4 (Led 6 Green: Blink – Led 5 Red: Blink)

Malfunction: Communication malfunction

Midea Air Conditioner Error Code (M2OC-18HRDN1-M Model) ;

Error Code: EO

Malfunction: EEPROM parameter error

Error Code: E1

Malfunction: No 1 Indoor units pipe temp, sensor or connector of pipe temp, sensor is defective

Error Code: E2

Malfunction: No 2 Indoor units pipe temp, sensor or connector of pipe temp, sensor is defective

Error Code: E3

Malfunction: No 3 Indoor units pipe temp, sensor or connector of pipe temp, sensor is defective

Error Code: E6

Malfunction: No 4 Indoor units pipe temp, sensor or connector of pipe temp, sensor is defective

Error Code: E4

Malfunction: Open or short circuit of outdoor temperature sensor

Error Code: E5

Malfunction: Compressor volt protection

Error Code: E7

Malfunction: Communication error between outdoor IC and DSP

Error Code: PO

Malfunction: Temperature protection of compressor top.

Error Code: P1

Malfunction: High pressure protection (just for 36K 1×4 units.)

Error Code: P2

Malfunction: Low pressure protection (just for 36K 1×4 units.)

Error Code: P3

Malfunction: Compressor current protection

Error Code: P4

Malfunction: Inverter module protection

Error Code: P5

Malfunction: Outdoor temp, too low protection

Error Code: P6

Malfunction: Condenser high-temperature protection

Error Code: P7

Malfunction: Compressor driving protection

Error Code: PF

Malfunction: PFC protection (just for 36K 1×4 units.)

Midea Air Conditioner Error Codes (MSX-07HRN1-QC2 Model);

Error Code: E1

Malfunction: EEPROM error

Error Code: E2

Malfunction: Zero crossing detection error

Error Code: E3

Malfunction: Indoor fan speed has been out of control

Error Code: E4

Malfunction: Over current protection occurs 4 times

Error Code: E5

Malfunction: The T1 sensor is open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: E6

Malfunction: The T2 sensor is open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: E7

Malfunction: The T3 sensor is open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: E9

Malfunction: Indoor / outdoor units communication error

Midea Air Conditioner Error codes (MSMBB-12CRDN1-MP0W Model);  

Error Code: EO

Malfunction: Indoor unit EEPROM parameter error

Error Code: E1

Malfunction: Indoor / outdoor units communication error

Error Code: E2

Malfunction: Zero-crossing signal detection error

Error Code: E3

Malfunction: Indoor fan speed has been out of control

Error Code: E4

Malfunction: Indoor room temperature sensor T1 open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: E5

Malfunction: Evaporator coil temperature sensor T2 open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: EC

Malfunction: Refrigerant leakage detection

Error Code: FO

Malfunction: Overload current protection

Error Code: F1

Malfunction: Outdoor ambient temperature sensor T4 open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: F2

Malfunction: Condenser coil temperature sensor T3 open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: F3

Malfunction: Compressor discharge temperature sensor T5 open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: F4

Malfunction: Outdoor unit EEPROM parameter error

Error Code: F5

Malfunction: Outdoor fan speed has been out of control

Error Code: PO

Malfunction: IPM malfunction or IGBT over-strong current protection

Error Code: P1

Malfunction: Over voltage or over low voltage protection

Error Code: P2

Malfunction:  High temperature protection of compressor top diagnosis and solution

Error Code: P4

Malfunction: Inverter compressor drive error

Midea AC Error Codes (Mission 3D Inverter Series MBSUL-A-1604 Model);

Midea AC Mission 3D Inverter Series Error Codes

Indoor Unit Error Display;

Error Code: E0

Malfunction: Indoor unit EEPROM parameter error

Error Code: E1

Malfunction: Indoor / outdoor units communication error

Error Code: E3

Malfunction: Indoor fan speed has been out of control

Error Code: E4

Malfunction: Indoor room temperature sensor T1 open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: E5

Malfunction: Evaporator coil temperature sensor T2 open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: EC

Malfunction: Refrigerant leakage detection

Error Code: F0

Malfunction: Overload current protection

Error Code: F1

Malfunction: Outdoor ambient temperature sensor T4 open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: F2

Malfunction: Condenser coil temperature sensor T3 open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: F3

Malfunction: Compressor discharge temperature sensor TP open circuit or short circuit

Error Code: F4

Malfunction: Outdoor unit EEPROM parameter error

Error Code: F5

Malfunction: Outdoor fan speed has been out of control

Error Code: P0

Malfunction: IPM malfunction or IGBT over-strong current protection

Error Code: P1

Malfunction: Over voltage or over low voltage protection

Error Code: P2

Malfunction: High temperature protection of IPM module or compressor top

Error Code: P3

Malfunction: Outdoor ambient temperature too low.

Error Code: P4

Malfunction: Inverter compressor drive error

Error Code: P6

Malfunction: Low pressure protection(Only for 36K)

Midea Air Conditioner Error Codes List And Definitions

Midea Air Conditioner Error Codes List And Definitions

Error Code: E0/F4

EEPROM parameter error diagnosis and solution

Malfunction decision conditions: Indoor or outdoor PCB main chip does not receive feedback from EEPROM chip.

Supposed causes:

  • Installation mistake
  • PCB faulty

Error Code: E1

Indoor / outdoor unit’s communication diagnosis and solution

Malfunction decision conditions: Indoor unit does not receive the feedback from outdoor unit during 110 seconds and this condition happens four times continuously.

Supposed causes:

  • Wiring mistake
  • Indoor or outdoor PCB faulty

Error Code: E2

Zero crossing detection error diagnosis and solution

Malfunction decision conditions: When PCB does not receive zero crossing signal feedback for 4 minutes or the zero crossing signal time interval is abnormal.

Supposed causes:

  • Connection mistake
  • PCB faulty

Error Code: E3/F5

Fan speed has been out of control diagnosis and solution

Malfunction decision conditions: When indoor fan speed keeps too low (300RPM) for certain time, the unit will stop and the LED will display the failure.

Supposed causes:

  • Wiring mistake
  • Fan ass’y faulty
  • Fan motor faulty
  • PCB faulty

Error Code: E4/E5/F1/F2/F3

Open circuit or short circuit of temperature sensor diagnosis and solution

Malfunction decision conditions: If the sampling voltage is lower than 0.06V or higher than 4.94V, the LED will display the failure.

Supposed causes:

  • Wiring mistake
  • Sensor faulty

Error Code: EC

Refrigerant Leakage Detection diagnosis and solution

Malfunction decision conditions: Define the evaporator coil temp.T2 of the compressor just starts running as Tcool. In the beginning 5 minutes after the compressor starts up, if T2 <Tcool-2°C(Tcool-35.6°F) does not keep continuous 4 seconds and this situation happens 3 times, the display area will show “EC” and AC will turn off.

Supposed causes:

  • T2 sensor faulty
  • Indoor PCB faulty
  • System problems, such as leakage or blocking.

Error Code: F0

Overload current protection diagnosis and solution

Malfunction decision conditions: An abnormal current rise is detected by checking the specified current detection circuit.

Supposed causes:

  • Power supply problems.
  • System blockage
  • PCB faulty
  • Wiring mistake
  • Compressor malfunction

Error Code: P0

IPM malfunction or IGBT over-strong current protection diagnosis and solution

Malfunction decision conditions: When the voltage signal that IPM send to compressor drive chip is abnormal, the display LED will show “P0” and AC will turn off.

Supposed causes:

  • Wiring mistake
  • IPM malfunction
  • Outdoor fan ass’y faulty
  • Compressor malfunction
  • Outdoor PCB faulty

Error Code: P1

Over voltage or too low voltage protection diagnosis and solution

Malfunction decision conditions: An abnormal voltage rise or drop is detected by checking the specified voltage detection circuit.

Supposed causes:

  • Power supply problems.
  • System leakage or block
  • PCB faulty

Error Code: P2

High temperature protection of IPM module or compressor top diagnosis and solution

Malfunction decision conditions: If the sampling voltage is not 5V, the LED will display the failure.

Supposed causes:

  • Installation mistake
  • Power supply problems.
  • System leakage or block
  • PCB faulty

Error Code: P4

Inverter compressor drive error diagnosis and solution

Malfunction decision conditions: An abnormal inverter compressor drive is detected by a special detection circuit, including communication signal detection, voltage detection, compressor rotation speed signal detection and so on

Supposed causes:

  • Wiring mistake
  • IPM malfunction
  • Outdoor fan ass’y faulty
  • Compressor malfunction
  • Outdoor PCB faulty

Error Code: P4

Low pressure protection diagnosis and solution

Malfunction decision conditions: When the pressure of system reach a certain value, the low pressure protector will switch off. After the pressure resume to normal ,the protection code will disappear.

Supposed causes:

  • Wiring mistake
  • Pressure protector faulty
  • Fan motor faulty
  • PCB faulty
  • System problems

Midea Floor Standing Air Conditioner Error Codes


  • E01- The temp. sensor is off, or short-circuit.
  • E02- Compressor is over current
  • E04- Outdoor unit protection
  • P02- Compressor is over load
  • P03- The temperature of evaporator coil of indoor unit is too low (when cooling)
  • P04- The temperature of evaporator coil of indoor unit is too high (when heating)
  • P05– The temperature of air outlet of indoor unit is too high (when heating)

Troubles and Solutions:

E01: The temp. sensor is off, or short-circuit. /Contact service people

E02: Compressor is over current /Turn off the unit, wait for a moment and then restart. If many times of this operation do not work, please contact service people.

E04: Outdoor unit protection /Turn off the unit, wait for a moment and then restart. If many times of this operation do not work, please contact service people.

P02: Compressor is over load /Turn off the unit, wait for a moment and then restart. If many times of this operation do not work, please contact service people.

P03: The temperature of evaporator coil of indoor unit is too low (when cooling) /Turn off the unit, remove the obstacles in the air-inlet and clean the air filter, then restart the unit. If many times of this operation do not work, please contact service people.

P04: The temperature of evaporator coil of indoor unit is too high (when heating) /Turn off the unit, remove the obstacles in the air-inlet and clean the air filter, then restart the unit. If many times of this operation do not work, please contact service people.

P05: The temperature of air outlet of indoor unit is too high (when heating) /Turn off the unit, remove the obstacles in the air-inlet and clean the air filter, then restart the unit. If many times of this operation do not work, please contact service people.

If the above procedures still do not work, please contact our local dealers or after sales service people, inform them your air conditioner model and trouble details, they will help you solve the problem. Please do not repair the air conditioner by yourself.

Midea AC Troubleshooting

Midea AC Error Codes and Troubleshooting

When troubles occur, please check the following points before contacting a repair company.

Problem: Poor Cooling Performance

Possible Causes:

  1. Temperature setting may be higher than ambient room temperature
  2. The heat exchanger on the indoor or outdoor unit is dirty
  3. The air filter is dirty
  4. The air inlet or outlet of either unit is blocked
  5. Doors and windows are open
  6. Excessive heat is generated by sunlight
  7. Too many sources of heat in the room (people, computers, electronics, etc.)
  8. Low refrigerant due to leak or long-term use
  9. SILENCE function is activated


  1. Lower the temperature setting
  2. Clean the affected heat exchanger
  3. Remove the filter and clean it according to instructions
  4. Turn the unit off, remove the obstruction and turn it back on
  5. Make sure that all doors and windows are closed while operating the unit
  6. Close windows and curtains during periods of high heat or bright sunshine
  7. Reduce amount of heat sources
  8. Check for leaks, re-seal if necessary and top off refrigerant
  9. SILENCE function can lower product performance by reducing operating frequency. Turn off SILENCE function.

Problem: The unit is not working

Possible Causes:

  1. Power failure
  2. The power is turned off
  3. The fuse is burned out
  4. Remote control batteries are dead
  5. The Unit’s 3-minute protection has been activated
  6. Timer is activated


  1. Wait for the power to be restored
  2. Turn on the power
  3. Replace the fuse
  4. Replace batteries
  5. Wait three minutes after restarting the unit
  6. Turn timer off

Problem: The unit starts and stops frequently

Possible Causes:

  1. There’s too much or too little refrigerant in the system
  2. Incompressible gas or moisture has entered the system
  3. The compressor is broken
  4. The voltage is too high or too low


  1. Check for leaks and recharge the system with refrigerant
  2. Evacuate and recharge the system with refrigerant
  3. Replace the compressor
  4. Install a manostat to regulate the voltage

Problem: Poor heating performance

Possible Causes:

  1. The outdoor temperature is lower than 7°C (44.5°F)
  2. Cold air is entering through doors and windows
  3. Low refrigerant due to leak or long-term use


  1. Use auxiliary heating device
  2. Make sure that all doors and windows are closed during use
  3. Check for leaks, re-seal if necessary and top off refrigerant

NOTE: If your problem persists after performing the checks and diagnostics above, turn off your unit immediately and contact an authorized service center.

Common Issues

The following problems are not a malfunction and in most situations will not require repairs.

Issue: Unit does not turn on when pressing ON/OFF button

Possible Causes: The Unit has a 3-minute protection feature that prevents the unit from overloading. The unit cannot be restarted within three minutes of being turned off

Issue: The unit changes from COOL/HEAT mode to FAN mode

Possible Causes:

  • The unit may change its setting to prevent frost from forming on the unit. Once the temperature increases, the unit will start operating in the previously selected mode again.
  • The set temperature has been reached, at which point the unit turns off the compressor. The unit will continue operating when the temperature fluctuates again.

Issue: The indoor unit emits white mist

Possible Causes: In humid regions, a large temperature difference between the room’s air and the conditioned air can cause white mist.

Issue: Both the indoor and outdoor units emit white mist

Possible Causes: When the unit restarts in HEAT mode after defrosting, white mist may be emitted due to moisture generated from the defrosting process.

Issue: The indoor unit makes noises

Possible Causes:

  • A rushing air sound may occur when the louver resets its position.
  • A squeaking sound may occur after running the unit in HEAT mode due to expansion and contraction of the unit’s plastic parts.

Issue: Both the indoor unit and outdoor unit make noises

Possible Causes:

  • Low hissing sound during operation: This is normal and is caused by refrigerant gas flowing through both indoor and outdoor units.
  • Low hissing sound when the system starts, has just stopped running, or is defrosting: This noise is normal and is caused by the refrigerant gas stopping or changing direction.
  • Squeaking sound: Normal expansion and contraction of plastic and metal parts caused by temperature changes during operation can cause squeaking noises.

Issue: The outdoor unit makes noises

Possible Causes: The unit will make different sounds based on its current operating mode.

Issue: Dust is emitted from either the indoor or outdoor unit

Possible Causes: The unit may accumulate dust during extended periods of non-use, which will be emitted when the unit is turned on. This can be mitigated by covering the unit during long periods of inactivity.

Issue: The unit emits a bad odor

Possible Causes:

  • The unit may absorb odors from the environment (such as furniture, cooking, cigarettes, etc.) which will be emitted during operations.
  • The unit’s filters have become moldy and should be cleaned.

Issue: The fan of the outdoor unit does not operate

Possible Causes: During operation, the fan speed is controlled to optimize product operation.

Issue: Operation is erratic, unpredictable, or unit is unresponsive

Possible Causes: Interference from cell phone towers and remote boosters may cause the unit to malfunction. In this case, try the following: Disconnect the power, then reconnect or Press ON/OFF button on remote control to restart operation.

NOTE: If problem persists, contact a local dealer or your nearest customer service center. Provide them with a detailed description of the unit malfunction as well as your model number.

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