Smeg Coffee Machine Troubleshooting

Smeg Coffee Machine Troubleshooting If there’s a problem with your Smeg coffee maker, consult the table below for relevant and reliable information concerning ways of troubleshooting the appliance.

SMEG CM845A-9 Coffee Maker troubleshooting

The coffee is not hot.• The cups were not pre- heated.• Warm the cups by rinsing them with hot water.
• The infuser has cooled down because 2/3 minu- tes have elapsed since the last coffee was made.• Before making coffee, heat the infuser by pres- sing the $ button.
The coffee is not creamy enough.• The coffee is ground too coarsely.• Turn the grinding adju- stment knob one click an- ticlockwise towards T while the coffee mill is in operation.
• Wrong type of coffee• Use a type of coffee for espresso coffee makers.
The coffee is delivered too slowly or a drop at a time.• The coffee is ground too finely.• Turn the grinding adju- stment knob one click an- ticlockwise towards 7″ while the coffee mill is in operation. Continue one click at a time until coffee delivery is satisfactory. The effect is only visible after delivering two coffees.
The coffee is delivered too quickly.• The coffee is ground too coarsely.• Turn the grinding adju stment knob one click anticlockwise towards “1” while the coffee mill is in operation.

Avoid turning the grinding adjustment knob excessively otherwise when you select 2 cups, the coffee may be delivered a drop at a time.

The effect is only visible after delivering two coffees.

Coffee does not come out of one of the spouts.• The spouts are blocked.• Clean the spouts with a toothpick.
The coffee does not come out of the spouts, but from around the service door (A2).• The holes in the spouts are clogged with dry coffee dust.• If necessary, remove coffee deposits with a toothpick, sponge or stiff bristled kitchen brush.
• The coffee guide inside the service door is blocked and cannot swing.• Thoroughly clean the coffee guide, particularly near the hinges.

SMEG CMSC451 Coffee Maker troubleshooting

FILL TANKThe water tank is empty or positioned incorrectly.Fill the tank with water and/or insert it correctly, pushing it as far as it will go.
GROUND TOO FINE ADJUST MILL Insert water spout and press OKThe grinding is too fine and the coffee is delivered too slowly.Turn the grinding adjustment knob one click clockwise towards”7″.
The machine cannot make coffee as there is air in the hydraulic circuit.Insert the hot water spout, press the OK button and deliver water from the spout for a few seconds.
INSERT WATER SPOUTThe hot water spout is not inserted or is inserted incorrectly.Insert the hot water spout as far as it will go.
INSERT GROUNDS CONTAINERThe grounds container is too full or more than 3 days have passed since you last made coffee (this guarantees correct hygiene of the machine).Empty the grounds container and dean, then replace.
Important: when removing the drip tray, the grounds container MUST be emptied, even if it is not completely full.
If this is not done, when you make the next coffees, the grounds container may fill up more than expected and clog the machine.
INSERT GROUNDS CONTAINERAfter cleaning, the grounds container has not been replaced.Open the service door and insert the grounds container.
INSERT MILK CONTAINERThe milk container is not inserted.Insert the milk container as far as it will go.
ADD PRE-GROUND COFFEEWith the pre-ground function selected, pre-ground coffee has not been poured into the funnel.Extract the appliance and place pre- ground coffee in the funnel.
The funnel is blocked.Empty the funnel with the help of a knife.
DESCALE!The machine must be descaled.The descaling procedure needs to be perfomed as soon as possible.
LESS COFFEEToo much coffee has been usedSelect a milder taste or reduce the quantity of preground coffee, then make the coffee again
FILL BEANS CONTAINERThe coffee beans have run out.Fill beans container
INSERT INFUSER ASSEMBLYThe infuser has not been replaced after cleaning.Insert the infuser
CLOSE DOORThe service door isopenClose the service door.
The coffee is not hot.The cups were not preheated.Heat the cups by rinsing them in hot water or leaving them to rest for at least 20 minutes on the cup warmer tray.
The infuser has cooled down because 2/3 minutes have elapsed since the last cof- fee was made.Before making coffee, heat the infuser by pressing the button.
The coffee is not creamy enough.The coffee is ground too coarsely. Wrong type of coffeeTurn the grinding adjustment knob one click anticlockwise towards “1″ while the coffee mill is in operation.
Use a type of coffee for espresso coffee makers.
The coffee is delivered too slowly or a drop at a time.The coffee is ground too finely.Turn the grinding adjustment knob one click clockwise towards the 7 while the coffee mill is in operation.
Continue one click at a time until coffee delivery is satisfactory.
The effect is only visible after delivering two coffees.
The coffee is delivered too quickly.The coffee is ground too coarsely.Turn the grinding adjustment knob one click anticlockwise towards “1″ while the coffee mill is in operation.
Avoid turning the grinding adjustment knob excessively otherwise when you select 2 cups, the coffee may be delivered a drop at a time.
The effect is only visible after delivering two coffees.
Coffee does not come out of one of the spouts.The spouts are blocked.Clean the spouts with a toothpick.
The coffee does not come out of the spouts, but from around the service door (A2).The holes in the spouts are clogged with dry coffee dust.If necessary, remove coffee deposits with a toothpick, sponge or stiff bristled kitchen brush.
The coffee guide inside the service door is blocked and cannot swing.Thoroughly clean the coffee guide, particularly near the hinges.
Water comes out of the spouts instead of coffee.The preground coffee may be blocked in the funnel.Gean the funnel with a wooden or plastic fork, clean the inside of the appliance.
The milk does not come out of the milk spout.The intake tube is not inserted or is inserted incorrectly.Insert the intake tube in the rubber washer in the milk container lid.
The milk is not well frothed.The milk container lid is dirty.Clean the milk container lid.
The frothed milk regulator is not positioned correctly.

The history of the Italian company Smeg started in 1948 in Guastalla, Reggio Emilia. Although more than half a century has passed from its creation, the company remains the property of the family of the founder, Vittorio Bertazzoni Snr.
The current lineup of the Smeg coffee makers includes machines with an LCD display and a wide range of features.

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