LG TV Error Codes

LG TV Error Codes are somewhat different, even with the same problems as LG, the fault ID will be different.

LG Television Error Code Troubleshooting

How to fix errors on LG TV:

  • 3. This LG error has a note – “Unable to find the DNS server”. In practice, the reasons are different, but the first step is to check that other devices work normally with the network. If so, you should go to “Settings” – “Network”, then – to the section “Connecting to a Wi-Fi network” and click on the item “Advanced settings”. It remains only to click on the “Change” button and specify the main address manually –, and the spare –
  • Error 106. The most common cause of the problem is communication with the router at a frequency of 5 GHz. It still doesn’t always work properly. We recommend switching to the 2.4 GHz frequency, this is easy to do in the router settings.
  • Error 137. A common problem, mainly occurs when trying to connect to a wireless network. Here it is important to check that the password is entered correctly. Even with error code 137 on an LG TV, it is worth restarting the TV and router. If it does not help, you should delete the network and connect to it again.
  • 105. This error is provoked by the lack of access or inability to resolve addresses by the established DNS. First, you should try to reboot the devices, and only then change the DNS in the connection settings to and – a public server from Google.
  • 101 and 102. Errors indicate a failure in the back end zone of the ISP. You just have to wait, nothing can be done.
  • Error 109 on the TV does not have clarifying information on the Internet, all that can be offered is to distribute the Internet from your phone and try to download the content.
  • 300. A rather strange problem appears on the LG TV due to network errors. The working solution is to disable IPv6. This must be done on the TV for both wired and wireless connections. In the case of a router, the same can be done in the router settings.
  • Error 6003. It has a not always clear nature of appearance. One of the most effective correction techniques is to check the channel names. Most users have quotes or brackets in one of them, after removing it, access will again appear. If this does not happen, you should just upgrade, this also often helps.
  • Fix for 201 and 501 errors. Message says no signal. If it is, you should switch to the 2.4 GHz frequency (in the router settings). You should also try resetting your router.
  • Error 503. Occurs due to problems on the side of the web resource, which means that a normal user cannot do anything.

Why the LG TV does not turn on and how to fix the problem

Absolutely all types of equipment are at risk of premature failure, of course, that television equipment is no exception to this rule. For example, sometimes the TV does not turn on, while the indicator flashes, and the relay also clicks. Of course, there are other signs of a malfunctioning device, but this is perhaps the most common symptom.

Of course, before trying to fix the breakdown, you first need to identify the cause of its occurrence. Already on the basis of the diagnostic results, you can make any decisions aimed at restoring the correct operation of the TV.

As practice shows, problems with the launch of television equipment are often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • flickering LED indicator;
  • the relay clicks, a characteristic sound appears, but the device does not turn on;
  • the indicator is off.

Televisions in their own way are divided into 3 basic categories: kinescope, plasma and LCD matrices. All these types have their own characteristics, both external and in the hardware component. However, the reasons why the TV does not turn on are identical, regardless of the type of device used.

It is absolutely not necessary to contact the service center, self-repair, performed carefully, also has the right to life. Now we will consider the main causes of incorrect operation of television equipment and ways to eliminate the breakdown.

Power light blinking

The flickering of the LED indicator indicates that the TV device independently determines the type of malfunction. As a rule, the red light on the TV screen flashes a certain number of times – this is such a way of transmitting a breakdown symbol.

To decrypt the signal, simply use the instructions that are included in the basic package. Find a section with the designation of all types of breakdowns and their indication. Based on the information received, appropriate steps can be taken to normalize the TV launch.

Another reason for the appearance of such a sign is that the TV is connected to a computer and is used as a monitor. If the PC automatically switched to sleep mode or was turned off, then attempts to turn on the TV using the remote control will be accompanied by a blinking indicator. Probably, the TV acts as a second monitor.

As you understand, the solution to this problem is elementary, just wake up the computer, to do this, press any key on the keyboard or move the mouse. The TV device is working, it’s just that an image is being fed to it from another source.

Sometimes protection works, and the LG TV does not turn on, while the indicator flashes. The reason is hardware malfunctions or software failures, it is possible that the device was not tritely brought out of sleep mode.

Power indicator is off

In the event that the TV does not turn on, and absolutely does not respond to the remote control and buttons located on the front panel, then there are probably problems with electricity. If the indicator burned out, the device will still turn on. Accordingly, the lack of indication and the fact that the TV stopped turning on indicates that there are problems with the supply of electricity.

Reasons for lack of power:

  • there is no electricity in the whole house;
  • the machine located in the shield is disabled;
  • the socket to which the TV device is connected is broken;
  • the extension cord through which the TV is connected to the outlet is damaged;
  • wiring problems.

Of course, you should first check the serviceability of the outlet and extension cord. Be sure to look at the machine, change the position of the toggle switches. If the cause of the problem is a broken outlet, then you can simply connect the TV to an alternative power source. It is clear that to fix problems with the wiring it is better to call an electrician.

If we are still talking about a kinescope model, then the reason for the failure of the LG TV is a blown fuse. This part just needs to be replaced with a new one. In principle, hardware failures cause more modern TV devices to not turn on either. For example, a microcircuit has broken, a power adapter or a capacitor has failed.

Therefore, it is so important to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of all equipment components. Once you identify the part that is not working properly, simply replace it. After that, the TV will turn on.

Wrong source selected

Sleep mode is the main reason for the display to stop working, but it does not turn off the device. That is, the plasma works, but it is absolutely not manifested in any way. Fixing this problem is extremely simple, just use the remote control and switch the mode by pressing the “Standby” key .

We note right away that this option does not block the power adapter, so the screen always remains “ready” , of course, this negatively affects the performance of the device, since it becomes too vulnerable to voltage surges.

An incorrectly selected source is another reason why the TV does not turn on. It is possible that the user has previously activated AV or HDMI, respectively, to watch television broadcasts, you should switch to the original position. Sometimes this happens after the user has connected a laptop to the TV. You just need to switch the source using the remote control.

Software problems

Separately, it is worth considering situations in which Smart TV does not work on the webOS platform. Such models do not function correctly due to problems with the operating system. To avoid them, it is necessary to install updates in a timely manner.

If the user updates the device incorrectly, then the TV will constantly reboot or will not turn on at all. The failure is eliminated by downloading the new firmware files to the most common USB flash drive, from which the TV OS is already being updated. Everyone will cope with this work, there is nothing complicated, just follow the instructions.

Technical problems

Over time, various boards, transistors, capacitors, fuses and other hardware elements stop working. To specify the cause of the malfunction of the device, it is necessary to disassemble. It will not be possible to manage with improvised means, because this will only aggravate the malfunction, it is wiser to contact an LG service center for help.

The matrix and backlight burned out

Problems with the LCD matrix and LED backlighting are visible to the naked eye. The image quality immediately deteriorates, it becomes too dark. The main signs of breakdown of the backlight and matrix:

  • there is no picture, but there is sound;
  • black and white or color stripes appear on the screen;
  • dead pixels, ripples;
  • when turned on, the LG logo does not appear.

The cost of restoration will be extremely high, it is advisable to contact the retailer to carry out warranty repairs.

Non-compliance with operating conditions

The human factor should never be ruled out. The point is that non-compliance with operating rules will undoubtedly lead to a breakdown of TV equipment. Therefore, before connecting and starting to use the TV, be sure to read the instructions and the quick guide. Here you will also find useful troubleshooting tips.

If we talk about the human factor, then the most common breakdown of this type is mechanical damage to the screen. Often after that you have to change the matrix and backlight.

Do not forget that the TV may not turn on also due to a malfunction of the peripherals, in particular, various cables and wires. Of course, in such situations, the TV itself does not require restoration. Replacing a damaged wire is not difficult.

Now you know everything about why the TV does not turn on and how to fix this breakdown. It is still wiser to entrust hardware breakdowns to specialists who have professional equipment at their disposal.

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