Espresso Machine Lights Flashing ?

Espresso Machine Lights Flashing ? A coffee machine can be a great ally when starting your day. Its sweet fragrance draws you out of bed, before waking you up with a nice hot coffee. Usually all that is required is a press on the On/Off button. however, if the same button starts flashing quickly, it may indicate a fault.

Why Are Espresso Machine Lights Blinking

The water reservoir is empty

A flashing switch may be the result of a lack of water in the reservoir. This problem is not a fault, but rather that there simply isn’t enough water to make a coffee. If the problem persists, even after filling the water reservoir, you will have to try to move the magnetic float in the reservoir. You can easily dislodge it with a magnet.

Flow meter malfunction

In some machines, the water meter is used to measure the quantity of water in order to deliver the right amount of coffee per cup. Most of the time, if the button flashes on account of this part, it simply needs to be cleaned, otherwise the flow meter will send the wrong information the circuit board and will distribute too little or too much water. However, in some cases, the part may need to be replaced.

The machine is furred up with limescale

Ideally, a coffee maker should be descaled each month. Limescale can occasionally be deposited on the appliance’s components, causing various faults that will cause your device to flash. How does scale form? Depending on the coffee maker, your machine may have a boiler or a resistor and circuit. These parts are responsible for heating the water before it reaches the coffee. These areas where the water is heated are therefore conducive to the accumulation of limescale deposits and can thus end up becoming clogged. Regular maintenance and decalcification are essential operations that will guarantee a longer life for your espresso machine. Many coffee makers have an integrated decalcification mode. Do not hesitate to descale your appliance every month.

The main circuit board (PCB) is faulty

In some cases, if all of the potential causes listed above have been verified and there are no concerns in this regard, it may indicate that the problem lies with the coffee machine’s circuit board. The circuit board controls all the functions of a coffee maker. Therefore, if all the components have been checked, the only thing left to do is change this part.

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