Weller Gas Boiler Error Codes

Weller Gas Boiler Error Codes Error code E2 It means that the ignition is blocked. Fault notification comes from the flame control sensor. This component takes into account the presence of a flame and blocks the working cycle of the Weller boiler during low combustion of the main burner or in cases of gas failure. The termination of work occurs after 3 unsuccessful inclusions. It is recommended to keep the Reset key pressed to get things working.

Weller Boiler Error Code Solutions

Gas valve failure – The gas valve is controlled by an electronic board. Diagnostics of this element is carried out by determining the value of resistance and voltage. If the values ​​differ from the nominal parameters, it is necessary to replace the valve. There is no gas flow to the device – There is a valve in the gas distribution system that can close the flow of gas fuel. That’s why, a malfunction when turning on the boiler may occur due to a closed tap. Poor contact or no pulse from the ionization flame sensor.

Problems with the control board – If the ignition is successful, but the device still immediately went out, then apparently the electronics do not detect the flame. In this case, it should be checked. Incorrect ignition. This circumstance occurs when the ignition does not work or the flame breaks off. It is necessary to inspect the connections between the ignition mechanism and the flame sensor, and in addition between the board and the gas valve.

The main factor in the failure of the flame may be unsatisfactory traction. Problems with the control board – If the ignition is successful, but the device still immediately went out, then apparently the electronics do not detect the flame. In this case, it should be checked. Incorrect ignition. This circumstance occurs when the ignition does not work or the flame breaks off. It is necessary to inspect the connections between the ignition mechanism and the flame sensor, and in addition between the board and the gas valve. The main factor in the failure of the flame may be unsatisfactory traction.

Problems with the control board – If the ignition is successful, but the device still immediately went out, then apparently the electronics do not detect the flame. In this case, it should be checked. Incorrect ignition. This circumstance occurs when the ignition does not work or the flame breaks off. It is necessary to inspect the connections between the ignition mechanism and the flame sensor, and in addition between the board and the gas valve. The main factor in the failure of the flame may be unsatisfactory traction. when the ignition does not work or the flame breaks off.

It is necessary to inspect the connections between the ignition mechanism and the flame sensor, and in addition between the board and the gas valve. The main factor in the failure of the flame may be unsatisfactory traction. when the ignition does not work or the flame breaks off. It is necessary to inspect the connections between the ignition mechanism and the flame sensor, and in addition between the board and the gas valve. The main factor in the failure of the flame may be unsatisfactory traction.

Weller Boiler Error Code E7

Weller boiler overheating problems. The unit stops. The overheat protection thermostat has tripped – The overheat thermostat, like the temperature sensor, is most often located on the outlet pipe of the main heat exchanger. The functional task of the thermostat is to protect the apparatus from elevated temperatures. An accident can occur due to problems with the thermostat, temperature sensor, as well as a malfunction in the main circulation circuit. Faulty temperature sensor – The electronic board receives an incorrect signal or a contact failure between the control board and the sensor.

Superheat thermostat failure – When the thermostat is operational even though the coolant has actually overheated, there is most likely a problem with the circulation of the coolant in the main circuit. The main heat exchanger or the filter element of the heating circuit is clogged (weak circulation gives an increased heating temperature of the coolant). Malfunction of the circulation pump or there is an air lock in the heating system.

Weller Boiler Error Code E1

Means that the pressure inside the system is reduced. Possible reasons for this malfunction: a decrease in the pressure of the coolant in the heating circuit. There is no contact between the electronic board and the relay-sensor. Pressure switch failure. First of all, be sure to look at the results of the pressure gauge. Very often, the problem is eliminated by means of a make-up valve, which is mounted to fill the system with coolant. If the accident continues, then there may be a water leak. The circulation pump, primary heat exchanger, safety valve, damaged gaskets, make-up tap and other components can leak. Leakage can be found by visual inspection of hydraulic assemblies and components.

Weller Boiler Error Code E5

There is no traction. For the stable and safe operation of the Weller gas boiler, it is necessary to organize draft to remove flue gases so that they do not enter the room. The exhaust of gases is controlled by electronics, and in case of any malfunctions, the draft sensor is triggered, and the device will stop working. The main factors due to which there is no draft: narrowed size of the discharge channel, incorrect design, pollution, icing of the inner wall. Reducing the size of the outlet channel causes insufficient traction. Exceeding the permissible length of the flue pipes We advise you to carefully study the installation instructions for the boiler and comply with all necessary requirements.

Too long a horizontal section of the flue pipe can cause a lack of necessary draft. Malfunction of the pneumatic relay-draught sensor – If a vacuum occurs in the inlet tube, a soft click will be heard. The contact of the pressure switch and the control board is broken, there is condensate, as well as poor connection of the tubes with the pressure switch. Fan Damage – The fan impeller is clogged. There is no lubrication on the fan shaft, so it has a low torque. There is no contact between the control board and the fan.

Weller Boiler Error Code E9

The DHW temperature sensor is not working correctly. This indicates that the hot water circuit temperature sensor is broken or the recommended temperature has risen. The main factors in the occurrence of this problem: the temperature sensor for hot water supply is damaged. The contact of the control board with the temperature sensor on the DHW is broken. The control board has failed. When the DHW temperature sensor is in good condition and is in good contact with the electronic board, but at this moment the device shows an error, then it looks like the control board needs to be replaced.

Weller Boiler Error Code E6

The heating circuit temperature sensor is not working correctly. This indicates a malfunction of the heating circuit temperature sensor or the permissible temperature is too high. Damage to the heating circuit temperature sensor circuit – This malfunction most often occurs when the connection between the temperature sensor and the electronic board is broken, or the temperature is much lower than required. 5 seconds after a failure is detected, the Weller boiler will restore correct operation, in case the failure occurred by accident.

You should make sure that there is no moisture on the temperature sensor connector and the control board connector. If there is no moisture, you need to change the temperature sensor. There was a short circuit of the temperature sensor of the heating circuit – This failure occurs due to a short circuit of the contacts of the temperature sensor or the value of the water temperature is much higher than required. First you need to measure the resistance of the temperature sensor. If the resistance characteristics are different from the required values, it is necessary to replace the sensor. If replacing the temperature sensor does not help, change the electronic board.

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