Sharp Refrigerator Error Codes

Sharp Refrigerator Error Codes Your fridge warns you if the temperatures for cooler and freezer are in improper levels or when a problem occurs in the appliance. Warning codes are displayed in the Freezer and Cooler Indicators.

Sharp Refrigerator Error Code Solutions

Error CodesProblemWHY
SR“Failure Warning”There is/are some part(s) Out of order or there is a failure in cooling process
LFFreezer comp. Not Cold enoughThis caution will be seen especially after long term of power failure
LC“Refrigerator comp. Not Cold enough”Ideal temperature for Ref. Compartment is +4 o C. If you see this warning your foods have risk of spoiling.
LF and LC“not cold enough WarningIt is the combination of LF and LC Error type
HCRefrigerator comp. too ColdThe foods starts to freeze because of the too much cold temperature
LOPO“Low voltage Warning”When the power supply gets lower than 170 V the appliance gets to steady position.

What To Do?

SR Error Code: Contact the Sharp helpdesk as soon as possible

LF Error Code:

  1. Do not freeze the foods that are thaw and use in short time period.
  2. Set the freezer temperature to colder values or set the super freeze, until the compartment gets to normal temperature.
  3. Do not put fresh food until this failure is off.

LC Error Code:

  1. Set the refrigerator temperature to colder values or set the super cooling mode until the compartment gets to normal temperature.
  2. Do not open the door much until this failure is off.

LF and LC Error Code: You will see this failure when first starting the appliance. It will be off after the compartments gets normal temperature.

HC Error Code:

  1. Check if the “Super cooling mode” is on
  2. Decrease the refrigerator temperature values

LOPO Error Code: This not a failure. This prevents any damages on the compressor. This warning will off after the voltage gets required level.

Sharp Refrigerator Display and Control Panel

Sharp Refrigerator Troubleshooting

If your fridge is not operating;

  • Is there a power failure?
  • Is the plug connected to the socket correctly?
  • Is the fuse of the socket to which the plug is connected or the main fuse blown?
  • Is there any failure at the socket? To check this, plug your refrigerator into a known working socket

If your fridge is not cooling enough;

  • Is the temperature adjustment right?
  • Is the door of your fridge opened frequently and left open for a long while?
  • Is the door of fridge closed properly
  • Did you put a dish or food on your fridge so that it contacts the rear wall of your fridge so as to prevent the air circulation?
  • Is your fridge filled excessively?
  • Is there adequate distance between your fridge and the rear and side walls?
  • Is the ambient temperature within the range of values specified in the operating manual?

If the food in your refrigerator compartment is over cooled

  • Is the temperature adjustment right?
  • Are there many food recently put inside the freezer compartment? If so, your fridge may over cool the food inside the refrigerator compartment as it will operate longer to cool these food.

If your fridge is operating too loudly;

To maintain the set cooling level, compressor may be activated from time to time. Noises from your fridge at this time are normal and due to its function. When the required cooling level is reached, noises will be decreased automatically. If the noises persist;

  • Is your appliance stable? Are the legs adjusted?
  • Is there anything behind your fridge?
  • Are the shelves or dishes on the shelves vibrating? Re-place the shelves and/or dishes if this is the case.
  • Are the items placed on your fridge vibrating?

Normal Noises;

Cracking (Ice cracking) Noise:

  • During automatic defrosting.
  • When the appliance is cooled or warmed (due to expansion of appliance material).

Short cracking: Heard when the thermostat switches the compressor on/off.

Compressor noise (Normal motor noise): This noise means that the compressor operates normally Compressor may cause more noise for a short time when it is activated.

Bubbling noise and splash: This noise is caused by the flow of the refrigerant in the tubes of the system.

Water flow noise: Normal flow noise of water flowing to the evaporation container during defrosting. This noise can be heard during defrosting.

Air Blowing Noise (Normal fan noise): This noise can be heard in No-Frost fridge during normal operation of the system due to the circulation of air.

Sharp Refrigerator Storing Food

If humidity builds up inside the fridge;

  • Has the food been properly packaged? Have the containers been well dried before they were put into the refrigerator?
  • Are the doors of the refrigerator opened very frequently? When the door is opened, the humidity found in the air in the room enters the refrigerator. Especially if the humidity rate in the room is too high, the more frequently the door is opened the faster will be the humidification.
  • It is normal to have water drops formed on the back wall following the automatic defrosting process. (In Static Models)

If the doors are not opened and closed properly;

  • Do the food packages prevent closing of the door?
  • Are the door compartments, shelves and drawers placed properly?
  • Are door gaskets broken or torn?
  • Is your fridge on a level surface?

If the edges of fridge cabinet that the door joint contact are warm;

Especially in summer (hot weather), the surfaces that the joint contact may get warmer during the operation of the
compressor, this is normal.

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