Main Reasons for Boiler Combi Water Not Heating

Main Reasons for Boiler Combi Water Not Heating Most homes use combined gas boilers for both heating and hot water. In addition to being efficient and economical, they also have a reputation for being extremely reliable equipment. However, since equipment is typically used 24 hours a day, seven days a week, problems can occur from time to time.

Why Doesn’t Boiler Combi Water Heat?

Main Reasons for Boiler Combi Water Not Heating For example, if the boiler does not heat water, this can be a small oversight caused by minor malfunctions, but it can also be associated with a serious breakdown, which may require a major boiler repair .

One problem that is particularly annoying is when the heating is working but there is no hot water supply, or if there is hot water but the boiler is not heating your home. Read on to learn more about the common causes of these problems and how to fix them.

So, when the boiler / column does not heat the water, this causes a number of inconveniences. If you had to face a similar problem, then it must be solved as soon as possible. Consider the reasons that contribute to problems with water heating. It often happens that the gas boiler does not light up, this is an occasion to think about whether the system is working. Let’s deal with this and other issues in more detail.

1. Make sure you have electricity, gas and water.

The first rule of solving problems with your boiler is to start with the simplest possible causes. Before checking anything, it is important to make sure that the convector itself actually works. Always start from the boiler control panel. If you have a digital display and nothing is showing on it, the boiler may not be powered due to a power outage. Try turning on the lights and outlets to quickly confirm or fix a power supply problem. You can also check that all the fuses in the control box are in the correct position. In this case, the gas boiler does not heat the batteries , does not supply hot water to the tap.

Similarly, it’s important to make sure you have gas and water. This can be checked by opening a faucet and turning on another gas appliance, such as a stove. If you have completed all of the above steps and everything is working, then it’s time to check the trouble codes.

2. Is a fault code displayed?

Many problems with the boiler cause a fault code to be displayed on the control panel. If you have an instruction manual handy, refer to it to find out what the fault code on your boiler means. Be aware that boiler trouble codes may vary from boiler to boiler. If you cannot find a description of your DTC, or if it is listed in the manual, you may need to contact a gas safety engineer for assistance.

3. Check boiler control.

If after following the above steps you still do not have hot water or heating, you need to check that the boiler settings are correct. Your gas convector does not heat well and one of the probable causes may be a control problem. The double-circuit gas convector has separate controls for turning on heating and hot water. The hot water or heating may have been turned off by mistake, or the setting may have been accidentally changed.

4. Check the timer.

Some boilers may have a timer to control hot water. If your boiler’s timer controls hot water, this could be the cause of the problem. Your timer could have been affected by a clock change, a power source, a failing backup battery, or even a setting change by someone without your knowledge. If the gas convector does not light up, then because of this, the system may not be able to cope with the functions assigned to itself. There is not only water heating, but also heating in general. But if the problem is only in the timer, then adjusting it can solve the problem.

5. Check thermostat.

The heating temperature is usually controlled by a thermostat. New boilers are equipped with digital thermostats. Make sure the thermostat hasn’t turned off accidentally. Set the thermostat to a higher temperature with the timer on and see if the convector lights up. If it does not respond, there may be a problem with the thermostat. This will require the attention of a qualified engineer.

6. Check the changeover valve.

If you have eliminated the causes listed above, but you still only have heating and no hot water, or your boiler does not work but the water does, then you probably have a diverter valve problem. This is a valve that opens and closes to supply heat to radiators or to heat water.

If the heating is working but there is no hot water, or vice versa, you will most likely need to contact a gas safety engineer to fix a diverter valve problem.

The boiler works, but there is no hot water or heating? If you have completed steps 1 to 3 above and you have neither hot water nor heating, there is probably a problem that needs the attention of a qualified engineer. We recommend that you check your boiler as soon as possible.

Double-circuit boiler: hot water does not turn on – 5 reasons

Most often, problems with the boiler are detected when the heating season begins, the very period when both circuits of the device are working. It is worth considering two key problems that owners of wall-mounted gas convectors may face, namely:

· The system works, the unit turns on, but the water heats up weakly or does not heat up at all.

· The gas convector does not start and, as a result, there is no hot water supply.

Each of these problems has its own causes and solutions. To fix the problem, there is no need to find out what could cause them and cause them to appear. Before troubleshooting the equipment, it is necessary to study the instruction manual, read it and check whether the device is configured and connected correctly.

Modern gas boilers are equipped with a diagnostic system that can detect malfunctions and displays an error code. The manual for the unit will help decipher the codes. While observing all requirements and conditions, it is necessary to take into account the most common causes of malfunctions. If the boiler does not work for heating and for supplying hot water, then often the cause of these problems can be the same.

1. Blockages in the heat exchanger tubes. Many experts argue that using an unfiltered working fluid increases the risk of blockages in the heat exchanger tube. The resulting plaque can reduce thermal conductivity, which causes the equipment to work excessively, consuming energy. Then the optimal t is not even reached when the device is running continuously. Due to the deposited plaque inside the heat exchanger, the metal is susceptible to corrosion and this can lead to destruction.

2. Faulty pump. The circulation of the coolant can be stopped due to the accumulation of air, the so-called air lock in the pump. The second cause of a pump failure may be a stuck rotor. Stopping the operation of the circulation pump can lead to overheating of the gas boiler.

3. The flow sensor is clogged. Inside the boiler is a turbine-shaped sensor that resembles a small fan. When the turbine rotates inside the sensor, an electrical impulse is generated due to the fluid flow, which is fed to the control unit. Thus, the electrical system understands that it is necessary to warm up the coolant.

4. Three-way valve stuck. This kind of malfunction does not allow switching the water supply from heating to hot water supply. A valve stop often occurs due to blockages in both the element itself and the gas hose or filter.

5. Not enough pressure. If the volume of liquid in the system does not create the necessary pressure, the water supply valve does not open, which makes it impossible to ignite the burner.

Consider possible solutions to the problem. When you know the reason why the boiler does not heat water, you can try to fix it yourself. Manufacturers often provide self-service mechanical assemblies.

Important! When troubleshooting yourself, before starting work, disconnect the unit from the mains and empty the internal components from the coolant.

It is not easy to find out about the presence of problems ahead of time. But if you find a problem, it is recommended that you contact a specialist who will help you fix existing problems and give practical advice on the proper operation of gas equipment.

The principle of operation of a double-circuit boiler

Main Reasons for Boiler Combi Water Not Heating Modern gas boilers are equipped with two circuits: heating and water heating. Double-circuit units are a complex system consisting of several blocks that are responsible for a certain functionality of the entire system. Thus, the responsibility for ignition and combustion lies with the gas block and this allows the heating of the heat-conducting liquid. Thus, water is supplied to the water block, providing the required pressure in the line.

Starting the equipment with a pump, water is pumped into the system, passing through the pipes of the heat exchanger. When liquid enters the water unit, the gas supply valve opens and the burner lights up. The body of the heat exchanger evenly warms up and is controlled by temperature sensors.

Important! The heating cycle is controlled by sensors. When the temperature of the water drops to a specific t, then the sensors send an impulse to the control module to resume heating.

When hot water is supplied to the mixer, a flow sensor is connected. It sends a signal to the circuit and after that the three-way valve is activated, switching to heating the water supply. Let us consider in more detail the principle by which a double-circuit gas convector works. In total, the design is a kind of system of blocks that are interconnected and their work is controlled by the security system. The security system usually consists of various sensors. The main units include a gas convector in which ignition and combustion take place, a hydraulic unit that regulates the flow and pressure of the liquid, a smoke exhaust unit that removes combustion products.

Turning on the gas unit, the circulation pump is first started, after which the gas is supplied through the gas valve. With the help of automatic ignition, gas is ignited; when the gas burns, the heat exchanger heats the coolant through it. In this mode, the unit can work for a limited time until the parameters controlled by the sensors change.

Sensors control room t, reverse flow, gas pressure and in the system, draft flow, flame presence. Also, temperature sensors can control the temperature at the inlet or outlet of the heating circuit. The presence of a sensor on the return line, reaching the set t, the thermostat sends a signal to the electronic board. After processing this signal, the gas supply is turned off.

In this case, the circulation pump will run for a while to cool the heat exchanger. This is done so that the remaining heat in the heat exchanger does not bring the coolant to a boil. After cooling to the specified t of water in the system, the electronic board will start the pump, the gas cock will open the gas and the entire working cycle of the double-circuit boiler will be repeated.

When a hot water tap is opened, the flow sensor is activated and the control board switches the three-way valve to heat the secondary heat exchanger. The heating of hot water in the system is a priority, that is, immediately after opening the hot water tap, the entire system will work only to heat this water.

When the tap is closed, the reverse process occurs – the board transmits a signal to the three-way valve, it closes the DHW system and the unit starts working again along the heating circuit. It should be remembered that the device will take some time for hot water to flow from the tap.

Some appliances are equipped with a “quick start” or “comfort” function that allows the boiler to switch the 3-way valve from time to time and heat the water in the secondary heating medium. If you have problems with the fact that the ariston gas boiler does not start , then in this case you should contact the official service center, where specialists will carry out warranty repairs if your unit is under warranty.

How to clean a gas boiler?

If a double-circuit boiler does not heat water well or has stopped doing it at all, it must be urgently repaired. Various methods are used to extend the life of the heating boiler and prevent accidents. We will deal in detail with how to clean a double-circuit boiler , in preventive measures. To choose the right option, you should pay attention to the following details:

· It will not be possible to eliminate the problem by washing with aggressive chemical compounds. This will only help remove the plaque that has formed.

Polyphosphates are the cause of water pollution, so it is customary to use such protection only for the heating circuit.

Sodium compounds do not pose a threat. It’s just a well-refined edible salt. But at the end of proper processing, the water will get a distinct taste.

Ion-exchange fillers are sensitive to changes in t, humidity and various impurities. It is necessary to clarify the conditions of use set out in the official manual of the manufacturer of the double-circuit convector.

To connect electromagnetic converters, a current source of the required power is required. To ensure its uninterrupted operation in difficult conditions, autonomous emergency power supply schemes are used.

Main Reasons for Boiler Combi Water Not Heating When determining the reason why gas equipment does not heat, or heats hot water poorly, it is necessary to take into account the hardness of the water and the design features of the object. If a gas boiler heats water unevenly , you need to try to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. It only causes discomfort. In this case, contact professionals who will solve this problem quickly and efficiently. The master will determine breakdowns when there are problems not only with heating water, but if the boiler does not work for heating.

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